Rocket Ship Pancakes

Rocket Ship Pancakes

By: Van's Foods

Posted on: November 08, 2016

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Homestyle Pancakes, Pineapple, Strawberries, Blueberries, Clementines,


Prepare Van's Pancakes per packaging instructions.

Cut a rectangular shape from your pancake for the body of the rocket. From the remaining pancake, cut a crescent moon shape, shaving off the toasted layer of the pancake to create a white moon.

Cut star shapes from thinly-sliced pineapple and arrange them around the body of the rocket.

Cut the rocket's cone and tail fins from sliced strawberries.

Cut a flame shape from your pineapple to create the base of the rocket blast. Place sections clementine slices on top of the pineapple to finish off the rocket blast.

Place a single blueberry on the rocket ship to create a window for your outer space explorer!